The Stand Up for Homecare campaign continues to generate positive public awareness about the value of homecare and key threats to homecare. Threats include the “competitive†bidding program and regulations and legislation that make it harder to provide oxygen, power wheelchairs, and other medical supplies and equipment to the millions of seniors and people with disabilities who depend on those items.   This aggressive, proactive public awareness campaign reaches millions of Americans across every state through the media.  The campaign also delivers powerful messages about our vital issues to members of Congress, their staff, and other targeted inside-the-Beltway audiences.
So far in 2010, AAHomecare and its public affairs firm, Rational 360, have circulated to the media more than 100 locally targeted and national press releases about key HME issues.  In addition, we have logged hundreds of phone calls and emails to specific reporters. These efforts have resulted in press coverage of our issues as well as guest editorials and features in newspapers throughout the U.S.  The campaign is also funding research on the impact of the bidding program and intense outreach to Congress and key congressional districts.

The Stand Up for Homecare campaign is funded through generous contributions from the HME sector, and it is guided by a steering committee of American Association for Homecare members.

What is the Stand Up for Homecare Campaign?

The Stand Up for Homecare Campaign started in 2007 with the HME sector’s recognition of the need to change its image both in Washington, DC and throughout the country.  The public awareness campaign has grown into a large scale effort which includes a public relations firm and steering committee to help direct the use of the funds. With the help of the public relations campaign, the American Association for Homecare is able to quickly respond to media stories, be even more proactive in sharing the value of homecare, and provide high quality resources for members to do the same.

Source: America Association for Homecare